All our Anodes sustaining processes resulting in a Cathode product belong to this family. In most cases the Anode reaction leads to oxygen development as the electrolysed solution is based on sulphuric acid and sulphates. This process is very diversified and often involves a higher level of technology and know-how which we have developed over the years. We provide MMO coated Titanium Anodes for:
- Water Treatment
- Copper Foil
- Electro tinning
- Surface Finishing
- Metal electrowinning from Sulphates and/or Nitrates
- Continuous aluminum strip anodising liquid contact
- PCB via fill copper plating
- Steelcord plating for tyres
Development of MMO anodes for trivalent chromium plating processes

Chromium [Cr] plating, which provides a bright, aesthetically pleasant protection from both corrosion and mechanical wear, is certainly among the most widespread surface finishing technologies. The classic process is focused on the electrolytic reduction of hexavalent chromium ions. However, due to the unambiguous recognition of the latter as a toxic and carcinogenic agent, its use is fading away due to stricter regulations.
A greener alternative process based on trivalent Cr ions is currently gaining more and more attention from both the scientific and industrial communities. Such a process has promising perspectives howeber it brings up a whole new series of scientific-technological issues.
At Chemical Newtech we are deeply committed in investigating the electrochemical mechanisms which are involved in the Cr(III) plating process. The purpose is that of fine tuning all the single anode manufacturing parameters in order to hinder to the best extent the side reactions that yield the toxic hexavalent ions.
We have developed a specific MMO coating optimised for the purpose which has been tested throughly from large chrome plating bath manufacturers.
To learn more, send us an email here.
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Ut odio massa, porta ut erat non, pulvinar eleifend massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.